We are a young company who passionately believe that tea is good for your health. In order to be able to make you feel even better when you drink our tea we need to reassure you that in carrying out our business we act responsibly.

This means we have to be sure that what we do is minimising any negative effect on Earth’s environment and, of course, upon its people.


Forming partnerships with suppliers that operate ethically and that can source organic raw materials using sustainable methods of farming.

Ensuring all our business decisions are balanced with the total supply chain and sustainability in mind.

Ensuring all our activities minimise the impact on the environment and on the wellbeing of lives of the people involved in and affected by our work.

Recruiting staff who care passionately about the earth and its people – as well as our tea of course! – thus building a Tea and the Gang culture committed to sustainability.

Whilst doing business we will promote these beliefs both whilst selling tea to our customers and when buying raw materials from our suppliers.

We will monitor our performance in these matters in order to demonstrate continuing improvement.


Forming partnerships with suppliers that operate ethically and that can source organic raw materials using sustainable methods of farming.

Ensuring all our business decisions are balanced with the total supply chain and sustainability in mind.

Ensuring all our activities minimise the impact on the environment and on the wellbeing of lives of the people involved in and affected by our work.

Recruiting staff who care passionately about the earth and its people – as well as our tea of course! – thus building a Tea and the Gang culture committed to sustainability.

Whilst doing business we will promote these beliefs both whilst selling tea to our customers and when buying raw materials from our suppliers.

We will monitor our performance in these matters in order to demonstrate continuing improvement.


Due to the nature of our business our impact on the environment, and on the people who are involved in our activities, it is mostly as a result of the practices of our suppliers. To control this aspect we have in place a Supply Chain Policy detailing the requirements that we shall adhere to wherever possible. We also recognise that this is something that requires continual monitoring and we expect our suppliers to be looking to continually improve their performance in these practices.


Due to the nature of our business our impact on the environment, and on the people who are involved in our activities, it is mostly as a result of the practices of our suppliers.

To control this aspect we have in place a Supply Chain Policy detailing the requirements that we shall adhere to wherever possible.

We also recognise that this is something that requires continual monitoring and we expect our suppliers to be looking to continually improve their performance in these practices.


We only purchase our teas through an approved supplier audit process. As our teas are branded ‘high quality’ the need for quality raw ingredients is key and so we only use suppliers that purchase from the very best estates thus demanding higher prices. We know that Estates who produce the best quality at the highest prices will constantly be able to reinvest a higher cash value back into the fields, factory and people. Our teas are organic where quality proves to be superior than the non-organic equivalent, but where our teas are sold as certified organic, we will only be purchasing from approved and  accredited organic estates.


We only purchase our teas through an approved supplier audit process.

As our teas are branded ‘high quality’ the need for quality raw ingredients is key and so we only use suppliers that purchase from the very best estates thus demanding higher prices. We know that Estates who produce the best quality at the highest prices will constantly be able to reinvest a higher cash value back into the fields, factory and people.

Our teas are organic where quality proves to be superior than the non-organic equivalent, but where our teas are sold as certified organic, we will only be purchasing from approved and  accredited organic estates.

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