The art of yoga

The art of yoga

In this blog post Bali based Yogi kowhaidalton gives us her insight into the art of yoga.

Let me run a little something by you.

  • What if I told you Yoga was more than postures.
  • What if I said it was more than fancy very expensive lycra pants.
  • What if I told you, Yoga was more than that latest fad..

Yoga is an Indian practice, aimed at liberating insight.

It is a beautiful, gracious and empowering practice that we can embody to reach truth in who we are, whilst living out our human experience here on earth!

Are you with me?

Yoga is a spiritual practice that invites conscious clarity about this ‘life’ we are all living in, which in turn can help you make radical limitless changes to your life. By developing your own Yoga practice, you are re-sensitising all six senses (that’s right, 6). Ultimately, this directs you back home to your body, where your true power lies. Where there are no distractions of the external fast paced, overpriced, overstimulated, world. There is only you, your inhale, exhale and the sensations you feel in your body.

And what’s best of all, its available to every.single.person.

Have I inspired you yet?

Whilst you sit back, enjoying the natural chamomile fragrances of Miss Yoga, dropping into a deep state of tranquility… Let me share with you a few images of two yogi Kiwi’s in Bali.

The art of yoga article written by kowhaidalton
All images are copyrighted and credited to jamiepenegestro


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